2024- 2025 Grant Year Funding Recipients.
CARE For Newcomers
For over thirty years, CARE for Newcomers has been helping new immigrants and refugees adjust to their life in Central Alberta and become valued members of our community. CARE offers settlement support, ESL classes, translation and interpretation, immigrant youth programs, immigrant men and women programs, and resources.
C.A.R.E currently receives funding for two English language classes:
Foundations for Women
Evening ESL
For more information about these and many other programs offered through C.A.R.E, visit:
5000 Gaetz Ave, Red Deer
Building our Stronger Selves
Employment Placement & Support Services is a provider of employment placement services for workers and support services for families and individuals in central Alberta.
EPPS is currently funded to offer the BOSS Program.
Building Our Stronger Selves is an 8-week, part-time educational program designed to promote an increased quality of life and to increase basic life management skills through the development of self-awareness and confidence. Through a group classroom setting, learners are supported in gaining awareness of themselves, their core values, and their personality styles.
For more information about these and other programs that are offered through EPSS visit.
2830 Bremner Ave.
COSMOS, Group of Companies
Cosmos facilitates innovative and diverse services that promote inclusion for people with disabilities in Red Deer and Central Alberta. Cosmos offers workplace training and career services, community volunteerism, computer training, life skills workshops, community inclusion and recreational support.
Cosmos receives funding for two programs:
Basic Computer Skills Program
Life Skills program
For more information about these and many more programs that are offered through COSMOS visit.
7428 49th Ave, Red Deer
Central Alberta Sexual Assualt Support Centre
CASASC provides a range of support services for individuals who have been affected by sexual violence, including counselling, play therapy, police and court support, crisis support and education.
LLCRD provides funding to help support the CASASC, Sexual Violence Helpline, the helpline is available at any hour.
This line is open to anyone affected by sexual violence.
Toll-free call or text: 1-866-956-1099
Text: 403-986-4357 (Text)
Local phone: 403-356-1099
Webchat: www.casasc.ca
John Howard Society
The John Howard Society of Red Deer serves Central Alberta to provide support and services with a focus on criminal justice and crime prevention. Their programs are focused on prevention, community engagement and education to foster community safety.
The John Howard Society of Red Deer has one funded program with LLCRD, the JHS Literacy Program at the Remand Centre.
For more information about these and many more programs and supports offered through the John Howard Society, visit.
4916 50th St, Red Deer
Red Deer Arts Council
The Red Deer Arts Council inspires, promotes, and stimulates arts, creativity, and culture in Red Deer and Central Alberta with learning opportunities, community gatherings, and programs for literacy, visual, and performing artists of all levels.
The LLCRD funds one program with the Red Deer Arts Council,
Hub 3.0
For more information about these and many more programs that are offered through RDAC visit.
4919 49th St. #6, Red Deer
Central Alberta FASD Network
Central Alberta FASD Network provides many services in the community, including the Learning Lifelong Life-Skills program.
This 10-week class will provide hands-on learning for learners with FASD. This program will develop foundational skills including:
Nutrition, budgeting, health, hygiene, healthy social activities, community connections, emotional regulation, coping skills, physical literacy, basic digital literacy, employment readiness, and other life skills identified by the students.
For more information about FASD and this program call:
#101 5214 47th, Ave. Red Deer
Central Alberta Immigrant Women's Association
Central Alberta Immigrant Women's Association provides a network of support to enable immigrant women and their families to achieve a secure life in Canada. They achieve this mission by providing opportunities for growth through education, workshops, information-sharing sessions, employment training opportunities, and essential skills programs.
LLCRD provides funding for two programs,
Word Processing for Immigrants
Numeracy Skills for Newcomers
For more information about CAIWA and this program call:
4910 45 St. Red Deer